Last Day of Term and Collection From New Classroom

I can’t believe we have nearly reached the final day of term 4! As you know, the school will shut at 12noon.

You will have seen today that all class teachers have now moved into their new classes ready for next session. I will welcome P2/3 in through the usual entrance tomorrow but if you can please collect them from the decking within the courtyard area (next to the raised beds).

Thank you,

Mrs Tulloch

Summer Picnic

What fantastic weather we had for our summer picnic. A huge thank you to the lovely ‘Pink Ladies’ from the canteen and all the kitchen staff who made it so fun and rock n roll for the whole school.

It was so sunny today, even our class ‘pet’ Brèagha had to put on her sunglasses!!

Fun in the Sun

Today we went outside to do gym and to help clean the community in partnership with the local Co-op. Thanks to Matthew and Norman for organising this with the school. We enjoyed helping our community and had a chance to play in the park after picking litter.


The usual homework grid can be completed for next week if you wish. No more homework or spelling will be handed out. There will be no reading sent home next week due it being a short week with various activities and assemblies.

Remember to send your child to school with sun cream on and with a water bottle due to the recent sunny weather. Your child is encouraged to drink regularly during this hot weather.

Mrs Tulloch

Thank You

Thanks again for joining us for our class assembly on Monday. We thoroughly enjoyed it and hope you did too.

Thank you to those of you that have returned your parent feedback form from the school reports. It has been lovely to read all of your comments. If you have not done so yet, please could you send these in next week.

Thank you,

Mrs Tulloch

Class Trip

What a fantastic day we had at Bristow Search and Rescue. We learnt about how the paramedics and rescue team safely get injured and lost people the help they need. We had some very fun demonstrations and even got winched using the newest equipment.

I have heard back from Josh and the team at Bristow and they have said what lovely manners our class showed on the trip. Well done to all of you for demonstrating our school rules; ready, respectful and safe.

Thank you to our lovely parent helpers and Mrs Mackay for making it so fun!

Class Trip

A huge well done to all of P2/3 and P3 for a fantastic class assembly! What excellent knowledge you have of how to be fit and healthy! A huge thank you to all the parents that managed get time off work to come and watch their performance – we hope you all enjoyed yourselves.


For our trip on Wednesday, children do not need to wear school uniform. As long as they are dressed appropriately and are comfortable for our trip. It is an indoor activity, so they will not need need any waterproof jackets – just their normal jacket they wear to school.

If you have any questions, let me know.

Mrs Tulloch

P2/3 Class Trip

We are delighted to let you know that that we have been able to arrange a trip to Bristow Search and Rescue on Wednesday 12th June 2019. This trip as part of learning about how to protect ourselves and others from harm and the work people do in our community to help us. A letter was sent home this week detailing the following:

We ask for a small contribution of £3 towards the bus.

We will split into two groups and be given a verbal overview of the helicopter and what it is used or. We will also learn about first aid and what the paramedics do in their jobs on a daily basis.

All children need to bring:

  • A snack.
  • A packed lunch (we will have lunch together at Bristow)
  • A water bottle (no fizzy drinks please).
  • A backpack to keep all their belongings in.

Thank you to those of you that have already returned your slip and £3 contribution towards the bus. Thank you also to the offer of helpers – I will be in contact next week to confirm if you will be required to assist us. Please return the signed consent form and £3 contribution to the bus by Friday 7th June 2019.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs Tulloch

P2/3 & P3 Assembly

A note has been sent home today with your child giving information about our class assembly.

Primary 2/3 and Primary 3 are presenting an assembly to share their learning from this term.  It is taking place on Monday 10th June 2019. Doors will open at 2pm and we would love for you to come and join our audience, all family members are welcome.

We hope to see you there!